Know Your Title IX

Know your rights, resources, and options in navigating support both on and off campus under Title IX

Title IX Then & Now

Title IX is a federal law passed in 1972 challenging gender-based discrimination in an education program or activity. It applies to all educational institutions who receive federal funds and applies to issues of program equity, such as athletics. it also applies to interpersonal violence, as these experiences are viewed as barriers to academic success and opportunities. Below are some highlights of rights and resources offered for those who have experienced interpersonal violence.

  • Academic accommodations
  • Residential accommodations
  • Mutual No-Contact Agreement
  • Investigation/Reporting

For more information on what these policies look like at Wesleyan, please see the Policy Prohibiting Discriminatory Harassment & Sexual Misconduct.

New Federal Title IX Regulations 

As of August 14th, 2020, there are new Federal Title IX Regulations that have impacted how colleges and universities are required to respond, investigate, and prevent interpersonal violence on campus.

What Has Changed? 

  1. Requirement of making a formal complaint to start an investigation. 
  2. Expectations of where a university is required ro respond to a report
  3. "Presumption of Innocence" - it must be documented that the respondent is presumed not responsible for the violence for which they are accused at the start of a formal investigation.
  4. Hearing process
    1. Process Advisors
    2. Cross Examination
  5. Definition of sexual harassment
  6. Informal Resolution Options

What Hasn't Changed?

  1. Students, staff, and faculty are still expected to abide by the Policy Prohibiting Discriminatory Harassment & Sexual Misconduct regardless of violence happening on or off campus.
  2. Consent still remains vitally important and is required in every sexual interaction. Wesleyan's definition of consent hasn't changed.
  3. Supportive measures - a person who has experienced interpersonal violence (sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, or sexual harassment) can still access supportive measures such as academic accommodations, residential accommodations, mutual no-contact agreement, and investigations/formal reporting options. 
  4. Confidential Resources - every student still has the right to access confidential resources on and off campus. Those options for care and support have not changed. 
  5. Standard of Evidence - all cases of interpersonal violence are determined using the preponderance of evidence standard, meaning that it is more likely than not that the alleged policy violation occurred. 

For more information on how these changes have impacted campuses nationwide, check out this website on the basics of the changes, offered by Know Your IX

To learn more about what the changes have looked like at Wesleyan, please contact Debbie Colucci or Johanna DeBari

Want to Get Involved?

Check-out these student groups on WesNest!

  • Students for Consent & Communication (SFCC)
  • Adolescent Sexual Health Awareness (ASHA)
  • Title IX Student Advisory Committee
  • Title IX Leadership Council 
  • Peer Health Advocates
  • We Speak We Stand Bystander Facilitators


(Image Description: White text on purple, orange, green, and pink background that reads - " Know Your Title IX. Know your rights, resources, and options in navigating support both on and off campus under Title IX.

What is Title IX? Title IX is a federal law passed in 1972 challenging gender-based discrimination in an education program or activity. It applies to all educational institutions who receive federal funds and applies to issues of program equity, such as athletics. it also applies to interpersonal violence, as these experiences are viewed as barriers to academic success and opportunities. Below are some highlights of rights NAND resources offered for those who have experienced interpersonal violence.

Academic Accommodations You have the right to seek academic support in navigating your healing journey. Academic accommodations can look like an extension on an exam, an excused absence for a class, or other possibilities. You don't have to share any details about your experience to access these. Arrangements are facilitated between your Class Dean and individual faculty. Faculty approval is not guaranteed. The SHAPE Director and/or Title IX Coordinator can support you in connecting with your Class Dean to make a request.

Residential Accommodations If your on-campus housing no longer feels safe following an experience, you have the right to request a different living space. Facilitated through the Title IX Coordinator and/or SHAPE Director and ResLife, other housing options can be explored.

Mutual No-Contact Agreement A mutual no-contact agreement is designed to give two or more people tools for navigating campus life with as much space and distance as possible. The conditions are negotiated by all parties involved, and is facilitated by the Title IX Coordinator. It does not require starting an investigation or making a formal report. 

Reporting/Investigation All students have the right to report their experience to on-campus resources (Public Safety or the Office for Equity & Inclusion) or off-campus resources (Middletown Police). Investigations can happen concurrently, so reports can be made to one or both options. Students also have the right to not report. Connecting with the SHAPE Director to explore all of these options could be a first step.

Access to Support Services All students have the right to seek confidential supportive resources on and off campus. For a full list of these resources, please see

Virtual versions of these options are available. Questions? Contact Johanna DeBari, SHAPE Director at jdebari@wes"